The project Between the Sky and the Earth, presented at 55th Venice Biennale, curated by Branko Francheschi, is conceived as an ambiental installation that brings together Dream Archive – an interactive web portal as a central work of the project, with artist’s video works and documentation of performances realized during 20 years of her work with the dreams, on the theme of the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious, and, as well as, with site and context specific performance and video Unconscious: Canal Grande.
Apart from Venice, the project was presented in Museum of Contemporary Art Banja Luka/2014, Museum of Fine Art Osijek/2014, and Art Pavilion Zagreb/2013
‘..Into the influential local post-conceptual artistic scene and its incessant dialogue with ideological positions, cultural establishment, mass media environment and its own roots, she introduced an original combination of contemporary art idiom and poetic code that wasn’t based on the proverbial and unavoidable urban motifs and rehashed cultural patterns. In years to come her idiosyncratic artistic expression, in which she merged a new sense of realism with poetic charge and new artistic idiom, would turn always more significantly or more openly towards the domain of unconscious. It is exactly in the realm of unconscious that she locates the source of subjective, but also collective freedom. Starting from her artistic position she ventures to disclose and then, translating it into the multidisciplinary language of contemporary art, also overcome the universal problem and theme of ontological dichotomy of mental space and process into the conscious and unconscious. Her final goal becomes mapping of the neglected unconscious dimensions of reality and above all dreams. She thinks of dreams as a detachment and counterpoint to the realm of rational and material from which, in Western civilisation, the only correct image of the world, both historically and sociologically, is drawn and imposed. The dreams are going to become a certain ready-made pattern for all variegated projects she is about to pursue from that time… ‘
Branko Francheschi, from the texts for catalogue