The performance is reinterpretation of one author’s dreams from 1991. The simplified content of the dream is: ‘I go down to the abandoned mine where a heap of coal and a wheel – barrow waits for me. I load coal into the wheel-barrow and bring it out into daylight.’
In the performance author used the dream as a resume of her artistic biography, as a short summary of her dealing with dreams. The action of the performance is as follows: author shift coal from one to the other side of a stage in a wheel – barrow. The same action is repeated in video projection (previously recordedin the same space). Each subsequent performance realization, multiplies the video of the action on the stage, and adds another ‘projection within the projection’.
‘’…All in all, in this dream Kata descends into an abandoned coal mine, encountering: loads of coal, shovels and loading carts; she loads the carts with coal and takes it outside to the light of the day. After several years, she saw this dream to be a paraphrase of her own artistic practice because she, as an artist, often deal with the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious, trying to raise the contents which she, through the process of her work, is trying to bring to the surface. On the one hand, there is the clear, cutting sound of loading and its transport from the world of death into the world of burning images (and vice-versa, if we look at the work from the perspective of social context and the artist’s engagement) which keeps the spirit alive – a spirit that yearns quality sleep and diving into the images of the „other side“….’’
Toni Horvatić / from the text Resume-Inconscie, 2019.