To Be

video instalation
Gallery 60-90-60, Zagreb

To Be

video instalation
Gallery 60-90-60, Zagreb

The exhibition starts from assumption that the house/home, where we all live during our existence, in fact, is life that is given to us, life in which we exist. In metaphysical sense, our lives (throught our bodies) function as ‘houses’ in which we have moved in, when we had been born, and we leave them when we die. The video installation To be consists of two conected rectan-gles. The rectangle of salt, set up on ground where are placed simplified models of black houses made of styrofoa, and projection of the same situation taken from above from bird’s eye view, placed on the wall. Situation on the ground ‘moves’ in projection on the wall and in that way emphasizes the view at the existence, the view at life which is basically the projection of our existence, or what we can see from our homes/lives. The installation is accompanied by the song Homeway, composed by noise-pop girl band Leave, which acted in early 90s in

Osijek. Nostalgic song Homeway talks about home in war-time, from the perspective of ‘leaving or staying’, and brings an emotional breakthrough in cold black and white installation’s construction.
