White Noise for
Black Dreams

Kula Gallery, Split

White Noise for
Black Dreams

Kula Gallery, Split

The exhibition White Noise for Black Dreams is one of the variations in the ‘materialization’ of dreams taken from the online domain Dream Archive (www.arhivsnova.hr >>>) in 2013. The central work is a kinetic light installation Double machine for lulling to slleep with already dreamt dreams, which unites two rotating cylinders, driven in the opposite direction. In the walls of the cylinders are engraved the texts of dreams taken from the Archives. Through the texts of dreams from the center of the cylinder, light sifts and projects them onto the gallery floor, onto circles of salt, forming concentric circles that rotate around the cylinder at a uniform speed. The hypnotic atmosphere is additionally contributed by the soundstage of work that emits so-called white noise, ie sounds targeted at a frequency that is conducive to falling asleep.

”…the Double machine for lulling to slleep with already dreamt dreams,is inspired by the so-called Dreamachine, a light object invented in 1959 by Britsh artist Brion Gysin.

The Dreamcahine is hollow cylinder with mathematically precisely spaced geometric cut-outs and source of light in the centre emittedat a frequency of 8-13Hz, mimicking the alpha waves that occur in the brain just before we asleep. Gysin’s cylinder rotates on turntable, while the stroboscopic flickering of the light is viewed with closed eyes.

Double machine  is experienced with eyes open; instead of through geometric cut-outs, the light disperses trough engraved texts of already dreat dreams taken/chosen from Dream Archive.The object is doubled in order to achieve optical resonance of circular movement, with added white noise audio recording intended to anchance the proces of luling to sleep. Due to circular movement of the cylinders, reading the texts engraved on them is virtually imposible; however, the intention of Double Machine is to emit dreams that have already been dreamt by other poeople, in concentric circles, as a slow-release hypnotic trigger- for our own dreams yet to be dreamed up.” /K.M./
